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What is alkaline water, and what are its advantages?

Alkaline Water Ionizer Dealers
What is alkaline water, and what are its advantages?

The benefits of consuming the recommended eight glasses of water each day are well known. According to research, being hydrated can enhance your focus, energy, mood, memory, and productivity. Would you believe us if we said there was something you could drink that not only hydrates you more quickly and thoroughly than conventional water but also enhances the health of your blood, bones, and organs? You had better be careful because alkaline water is real!

You've likely heard the term "alkaline water" used by bottled water companies like SmartWater®, Essentia®, and Flow®, and you may have even purchased a bottle for yourself because of the buzzword's purported health advantages. But do you know what alkaline water is and what advantages drinking it has? You don't need to worry; your Quench water professionals are here to explain.

What exactly is alkaline water?

Alkaline water, to put it simply, is water that is richer in hydrogen potential than conventional drinking water. The number of hydrogen ions present in a solution serves as a proxy for the pH value. High hydrogen ion concentrations result in a low pH (acidic chemicals), whereas low hydrogen ion concentrations result in a high pH (basic substances).

The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. Anything between 0 and 6.9 is considered acidic, whereas anything from 7.1 and 14 is considered basic. Your blood has a pH of 7.4, while soap and bleach have a pH of 12 and 13, respectively. Contrarily, tomato juice (pH = 4) and lemon juice (pH = 2) are both quite acidic whereas coffee (pH = 5) is just somewhat acidic.

Basic and alkaline are often used interchangeably, although they're not quite the same.3 Alkaline compounds (alkali) are elements like salts, metals, and minerals that make water more basic when added to it.4 Every body of water has some dissolved solids, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, but alkaline water often has a greater concentration of total dissolved solids, which raises its pH level. Alkaline water has a pH level of roughly 8 or 9, while regular drinking water normally has a neutral pH of 7.

What Are Alkaline Water's Health Benefits?

The concept that alkaline water is therapeutic, curative, and capable of promoting optimal health appears to be founded on the assumption that acidic blood and bodily fluids are the root of sickness and poor health and need to be neutralized. A more alkaline body will thus result in improved health.

The exceptional health advantages of alkaline water are mostly due to the presence of four key minerals:

Calcium: Essential for heart, muscle, and nerve health as well as for maintaining healthy bones.

Magnesium: Aids in the conversion of food into energy and is required for over 300 metabolic processes in the body.

Sodium: Controls blood volume and pressure and promotes nerve and muscle function.

Potassium: An electrolyte that supports proper digestion and is necessary for muscular function.

There are several benefits of drinking alkaline water, including cancer resistance, weight loss, and support for the immune system. These statements are remarkable, but there isn't any solid scientific evidence to support them. But we are here to share with you some amazing health advantages of drinking alkaline water that have been scientifically demonstrated.

Improve your Bone Health:

The effects of alkaline consumption on bones have been studied in some detail. According to a research in the medical journal Bone, those who drank alkaline water high in bicarbonate had a reduction in bone resorption.9 Old bone cells are destroyed and new ones are formed during the process of bone resorption.10 Better bone strength is the result of less bone resorption and increased mineral density. Researchers came to the conclusion that "a bicarbonate- and calcium-rich alkali mineral water decreased bone resorption more than a calcium-rich acidic mineral water.

Relieve Acid Reflux:

According to a research cited in the Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 helps relieve acid reflux because the higher pH level destroys pepsin, an enzyme responsible for breaking down meal proteins and a major trigger for the condition. When the stomach's acidic contents splash back up the food pipe, it is known as acid reflux.12 Gastroesophageal reflux disease, often known as GERD, and damage can result from acid reflux that persists for a long time.

Reduce blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol:

People with high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood sugar (diabetes), and high blood lipids (cholesterol) had decreased measurements of each of these conditions three to six months after drinking alkaline water, according to research conducted in Shanghai in 2016.A high-pH electrolyte drink was discovered by researchers to lower blood viscosity, or the thickness and stickiness of your blood, in 100 individuals after exercise. Due to dehydration, this can lessen the stress on the heart.

Improved Hydration:

According to a 2017 research in the journal Biology of Sport, consuming alkaline water improves hydration status following anaerobic exercise by significantly lowering specific urine gravity.16 A beneficial impact on urine pH during the anaerobic test protocol and significantly improved lactate utilization following high-intensity interval training are also seen when alkaline water is consumed.17 Effective lactate consumption increases energy as well as hydration because skeletal muscles use lactate as an energy source.

Contrarily, those who consistently drank water throughout the same time period exhibited no alterations. These findings suggest that regular drinking of alkaline water may be a beneficial dietary strategy for active, healthy individuals to influence their acid-base balance, hydration status, and energy levels.

Longevity Extension:

An investigation conducted on 150 mice over the course of three years and published in 2016 examined the effects of drinking alkaline water. As a result of the study's findings, it was concluded that individuals who drank alkaline water showed indicators of better longevity, or less aging and a higher likelihood of living longer. The danger of disorders associated with consuming alkaline water was confirmed by doing a histological investigation on the kidneys, intestines, hearts, livers, and brains of mice. No obvious injury, but aging changes, developed; the organs of the alkaline-watered animals were shown to be comparatively superior to controls, offering more evidence on the advantages of alkaline water intake in people.

Starting a path to become a top-tier Alkaline Water Ionizer dealer in India is a promising endeavor. You can provide a game-changing solution for clean, ionized water by partnering with cutting-edge technology and health-conscious consumers. Your company will stand out in the market if you form strategic alliances with well-known companies and emphasize the various health advantages of alkaline water. You may flourish as a dependable provider for boosting wellbeing with alkaline water ionizers across India's diverse environment if you make a commitment to quality, ethics, and client education.


Q: What is the main advantage of utilizing an alkaline water ionizer?

A: Alkaline water ionizers increase the pH level of water, potentially providing health advantages including greater hydration, a better acid-alkaline balance inside the body, and antioxidant capabilities that may counteract damaging free radicals.

Q: How does an alkaline water ionizer operate?

A: To separate water into alkaline and acidic components, these machines employ an electrolysis process. While the acidic water can be utilized externally, the alkaline stream, having a higher pH, is thought to be healthy for ingestion

Q: How can I become an alkaline water ionizer dealer?

A: To start the process of becoming a dealer, get in touch with reliable producers or suppliers of alkaline water ionizers. Ask them about their dealer programs, eligibility criteria, and any training they provide.

Q: What advantages come with becoming an alkaline water ionizer dealer?

A: You have access to cutting-edge items as a dealer to satisfy the rising demand for health and wellness solutions. In addition, a lot of manufacturers provide their dealers unique discounts, product training, and marketing assistance.


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